The TWIST: A New Beginning

Michelle Winters
2 min readFeb 9, 2023


18 months ago, my cofounders asked me to step down as CEO of Noteable.

The company was based on my vision for the future of data work, a continuation of the work I began at Netflix. I raised a $4m seed round in early 2020, brought on 3 enormously talented cofounders (Apple, Amazon, & Netflix alums), raised a $20m Series A, and landed in Forbes as one of the Top 20 Rising Stars for cloud computing.

But years of chronic burnout exasperated by societal fears and personal challenges (read: divorce, pandemic) were finally coming to a head, and I could no longer see or think clearly.

I desperately needed to regain perspective.

To do so would change me. It would require me to stop rushing through life (my modus operandi), turn my gaze inward, and unravel the mystery of who I really am.

I learned that the constant need for movement and action was a distraction from the uncomfortable thoughts and feelings I didn’t want to address. So I learned to become comfortable with the uncomfortable. I discovered how to finally sit still and just breathe. In today’s modern world, especially for someone with ADHD, this was no small feat!


I began sleeping longer, and eating better, and exercising more, and reading, and watching. And listening.

I mean… truly listening.

I spent 18 months traveling the country, talking to people from every walk of life you can imagine. CEOs and homeless people, criminals and pastors, truck drivers and software developers, investors and cashiers, farmers and doctors, teachers and lawyers, college students and retirees, and seemingly everyone in between.

I braved the shadows, in the physical world and within my own mind. I sought out the people I most feared. The ones I least understood.

I peered beyond the facade, gathered my own data, and drew my own conclusions. And though the journey was not for the faint of heart, I am delighted to say it was worth everything, because hope now flourishes within me.

I have discovered joy, and peace, and love. I have discovered purpose. I have awoken to a world that is truly magical, a world in which I believe the best is yet to come. I see a beautiful future ahead of us, a future that blends the best of all of us, and I am actively working to make it a reality.

Consider this the beginning of a new era for me. An era where I align my talents with my heart.

Welcome to my new blog, The TWIST.

I hope you enjoy.

With peace & love,



Michelle Winters

Former Noteable founder & CEO. Forbes Top 20 Rising Star for cloud computing. Award-winning blogger & technologist. Previously at Netflix and GoDaddy.